Accessible KONE elevators – EN 81-70 compliant solutions

Accessible elevators – EN 81-70 compliant solutions

The EN 81-70 standard defines elevator controls, distances, dimensions, contrasts, and accessories that facilitate access for people using wheelchairs or walking aids. KONE MonoSpace® DX 700, KONE MonoSpace® DX 500, KONE MonoSpace® DX 300, KONE TranSys™ DX, and KONE MiniSpace™ DX elevators are all available with EN81-70 compliance.

Fundamental requirements

The standard introduces requirements for elevator car size and interiors:

  • A handrail must be installed in the elevator car on the side of the car operating panel (COP)
    • If the distance between the COP and the adjacent corner is less than enabling 400 mm handrail fit on wall, then a handrail must be installed on both sides of the COP
    • For car types 1, 2, and 3 (please see table 1) the handrail can be installed on the wall opposite the COP, if the front wall width is less than the depth of the handrail
    • For car types 4 and 5 the second handrail must be installed on the wall opposite the COP or on the back wall.
  • Mirror is mandatory for car types 1, 2, and 3
  • Decorative finishes must not reduce the nominal car depth and width of each car type by more than 15 mm on each wall:
    • There shall be no additional features attached to the car walls below a height of 800 mm which may restrict the accommodation and turning of passengers using wheelchairs or passengers with other walking aids. This would particularly be the case for type 1 and type 2 cars restricting the minimum depth and for type 4 cars restricting the smaller minimum dimension. In some cases it may be necessary to increase the nominal car width or depth by a few mm, depending on wall finishing used, to allow for the extra space needed.

Signalization-related requirements

The standard introduces requirements for elevator car size and interiors:

  • The audible signal strength must be adjustable between 35 and 65 dB(A) for car environments. In noisy environments, sound level should be adjustable up to 80 dB(A).
  • A 30% contrast is required between:
    • push button and faceplate or immediate surroundings
    • symbol on push button and button background
    • faceplate and the surroundings on landings
  • There is no luminance contrast requirement for devices mounted on the doorframe
  • There is no luminance contrast requirement between the COP and the faceplate when the COP contains five (5) or more buttons

Car types and dimensions

Car typeMinimum car width (mm)Minimum car depth (mm)Minimum clear opening width (mm)
41600 or1400900
52000 or14001100

Accessible KONE elevators – EN 81-70 compliant solutions


Example of EN 81-70:2018 contrast requirement (non-compliant device on left, compliant device on right).


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